The high hydrostatic pressure processing of donor milk may better protect preterm infants from gut and liver pathologies compared to Holder pasteurization, which is currently used in most human milk banks.
Targeting our second brain using prebiotics
The discovery of intestinal actors, such as enterosynes, able to modulate the ENS-induced duodenal contraction is an innovative approach. Among all the intestinal factors, the understanding of the role of gut microbes in controlling glycaemia remains a major target. For instance, we researched and demonstrated how the modulation of gut microbiota by prebiotics could permit the identification of novel enterosynes.
Cell&Soft & Enterosys combine their expertise
Enterosys provides in vitro models closer to physiology for dermo cosmetic applications.
Enterosys analyzes the efficacy of dermocosmetic assets.
The preclinical services platform SkinObs dedicated to dermocosmetics describes Enterosys’ innovative approach to evaluate the antioxidant capacity of active ingredients
Teambuilding Enterosys
Salon BioFIT 2023
Join us for Salon BioFIT2023 where we'll come together to foster a sens of community, collaboration and success. Let's meet !Booking plateform link Maybe you can also like : Foodtech innovative research boosted with gut and gut-brain axis
Enteric neurons for functional applications in health care
Pharmaceuticals Studying the role of the Enteric Nervous System (ENS) in the development of gut-brain pathologies (e.g., Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, diabetes, aging, stress, visceral pain) is an ever-expanding research topic. Researchers are starting to propose numerous...
Enteric neurons and glycemia control
The gut-brain axis:You have a message from your gut In the intestine, gut distension and nutrients are detected by mechanoreceptors and chemoreceptors, respectively. The activation of these receptors sends an afferent nervous message to the hypothalamus in the brain....
The enteric nervous system is our second brain
The enteric nervous system (ENS), referred to as the “second brain,” is an extensive network of different cell types located along the digestive tract. It consists in enteric neurons, enteric glial cells and interstitial cells of Cajal. This network of cells is...